let’s study class

i recently told one of my best friends that i love when i read something truly incredible.
so incredible, that you struggle to split short quotes from the text.
i write in my english writing journal a lot, but all of my so called poetry ends up being a series of two lined quotes, slammed together with more.
anyway… upon talking about it some more i concluded that regina spektor was a perfect example of said writing style. ‘on the radio’ ‘braille’… both songs that are difficult to extract quotes from, and still do justice to the whole piece.
she was another… the close friend i was talking to; mel.
and today, upon reading a several week old letter, i found another.
funny… that she was talking about regi in the unquoteable paragraph.
i had a listen to loveology. it was beautiful. i admit at first i was disappointed, i didn’t think i could relate to it at all. that’s because, in a weird way, i experience things one way before i actually really experience them – it’s like there’s two parts of me, an outside and an inside. on the outside, i’m dismissive and independent, on the outside i’m cynical and unemotional and believe that love is probably a myth. but the inside… the inside is nothing like the outside, it’s the polar opposite. the inside me saw loveology as an explanation for life while the outside me thought that it was the usual sentimental song about loving someone and hurting them. the inside me heard words that described every human interaction that’s ever existed.
“I will hum you a song about nothing at all.” that phrase sums it up. It’s all we ever do, all anyone ever says: nothing. the words are nothing when you strip them of their definitions, but the real meaning behind it is love. everything we ever do shows how we care. that’s what i think the song is about. it’s about how love is everything, how, in the end, you can take away the words and the actions and all you have left is love. you can say
‘forgive me’,
‘stay please’,
you can say anything, but it all comes down to love. that’s all. just love.

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